15 Aug 4 Ways To Throw A Dog Birthday Party!
4 Ways To Throw A Dog Birthday Party
People get great celebrations for THEIR birthdays so why shouldn’t dogs get the same fun day? To make your furbaby’s birthday extra special for them, use these great tips for throwing a dog birthday party:
1. Find the date of your dog’s birthday. If you adopted a dog from the Pound, and you don’t know his/her date of birth, make one up and stick to it! Or, if you remember the day you adopted, make it an adopt-i-versary!!2. Make invitations. You can order special dog birthday invitations or make your own creative ones. Make sure you make enough to send out to everyone you invited. It is also fun to put dog treats on the cards as a surprise for the invited.3. If all of your friend’s dogs are toilet trained, you could have an indoor dog birthday party. This is especially useful in the winter.4. Plan tons of games for the dogs to do! You can have a contest for things like “most beautiful dog” or “best party animal”. Be creative and THINK THINK THINK!Excerpted from http://www.wikihow.com/Throw-a-Dog-a-Birthday-PartyDog birthday parties can be a special celebration for the dog and the owner. Not sure you want to deal with the creativity and the mess? TOP DOG can host your fantastic dog birthday party for you!Private Dog Parties at Top Dog are available! Call us to make reservations and we will have a home-made doggie cake from our dog bakery ready to serve, sing happy birthday, take pictures, and all the furry guests will get a little doggie bag of cookies to take home as a party favor! It will be a day to remember! https://topdogbarkery.net/dog-parties-events/TOP DOG Barkery * Bath * Boutique, Huntington Beach, CA 866-TOP-DOG1 https://topdogbarkery.net/
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